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Comparison of the IKE and IKZE

Similar goals and huge benefits. These are the main factors that Individual Retirement Protection Account (IKZE) and Individual Retirement Account (IKE) have in common. If you have difficulty in finding the difference between those two solutions, you may use the below comparison that we prepared especially for you. Check the similarities and differences between the IKZE and IKE account and decide for yourself which one is for you or choose both solutions. Remember that you may have only one IKZE account and one IKE account!


Individual Retirement Protection Account

How much can you pay in 2025?

PLN 10,407.60 (individual persons)
PLN 15,611.40 (business)

What tax preferences do you get?

  • you may deduct payments made to your IKZE in a given year from income in your PIT return
  • no 19% capital gains tax
  • no inheritance and donations tax

What are the conditions to effect withdrawal in retirement?

  1. attaining the age of 65 and
  2. making payments to IKZE in at least 5 calendar years.

What taxes and fees are chargeable at the withdrawal in retirement?

The flat 10% income tax is chargable from the amount that you withdarw.

How you can withdraw your money before attaining the rights to effect a withdrawal in retirement?

return of all assets

What taxes will you pay at an earlier return of assets?  

You have to include the full amount returned to your income in your annual PIT return – taxable subject to the tax bracket you are in.

Open the IKZE account online

Individual Retirement Account

How much can you pay in 2025?

PLN 26,019

What tax preferences do you get?

  • no 19% capital gains tax*
  • no inheritance and donations tax

What are the conditions to effect withdrawal in retirement?

  1. attaining the age of 60 or 55 and having the rights to state pension and
  2. making payments to IKE in at least 5 calendar years or making the payments to IKE in the amount equal to at least half of the value of total payments to IKE not later than 5 years before submitting the application for withdrawal.

What taxes and fees are chargeable at the withdrawal in retirement?

No taxes and fees.

How you can withdraw your money before attaining the rights to effect a withdrawal in retirement?

return of all assets or partial return

What taxes will you pay at an earlier return of assets? 

At the return the returned amount will be subject to capital gains tax (19%).

Open the IKE account online
* after attaining the rights to effect withdrawal in retirement.

Important information:
The legal basis for the maintenance of Individual Retirement Protection Accounts (IKZE) and Individual Retirement Accounts (IKZE) is provided by the Act of 20 April 2004 on Individual Retirement Accounts and Individual Retirement Protection Accounts (Journal of Laws [Dz. U.] of 2014 item 1147 as amended).
Please consult a qualified tax advisor in order to receive detailed information and precise calculations concerning the tax allowance.Taxation depends on the individual situation of each taxpayer and may change in the future.
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